Saturday, November 22, 2008

keep you in my arms
kising you forever
let the world with their own brain
we keep silent
but in warmth
sun smilling
moon shy
we catch in palm

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

tears in your palm

wake up, I run lonely
wake up, and turn on light
in your heart
to this dark, silent and frozen road
wake up, Sun
wake up!!

Night was so cruel
Night was so pale
I told to myself
this must be a bitter world
wake up, wake up!!
all farmers almost die
they cry on and on
oh, Life : tears in your palm.....

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

love you all

water,soil,air,fire,sun,cloud,rain,light,storm,...oase and everything.
Meet u at the top, meet u as u down.
Always. Your eyes shinning.
"Part of nature itself", u said.
And flow.
Like water.
It's life.
my life, your life.
Past, today , future.
We walk.
Never be alone.
I love u. All.
"That's all", u said

Monday, March 17, 2008


I am laying alone. Your smile so close to me. Close enough to touch,...but it fade away. Scene by scene walking in my mind. Time we shared, time we in love.
Can't cry hard enough now.
only tears,....they talk too much
but not enough for me
my heart taste its own sorrow
......oh, feeling so unsure.....
are you still there, Love?

Sunday, March 9, 2008


I am a silent
blowing in your dark night
entrance to your calm heart
as u open it

so let me lay on your warm soul
and share lonelines
get it into our happines

Monday, February 25, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008

never hate u

it said that love is only skin deep
then u'll find hate
Or me who never seen the truth
keep taking something gonna change?
hate u: will never on my mind
at all
after all

Sunday, February 17, 2008

i love you

don't ask me why
don't ask me how
don't ask me what

i love you
that's all the answer
it's a grace to hold u
in my arms
kissing your smile
spend hundrets minutes
with you

as wind blows fast
my heart beats strong
and warm
inside me

you and i
only two of us
what kind of scene it be